Thursday, 25 October 2018

Brexit Crap

Brexit, I'll put a hex on it, A decision made by the uninformed,
Like asking fish to fly or a cheetah to lie,
The future of our country is left to rot,
All because some of some political sot,
who...drinking and ranting and showing off,
Wanted to show he was the illest toff,
The one with the power to sway the masses,
With a cold faced lie displayed on the buses.
But rather than take the blame,
They put this out to every person the same,
Rich and poor, young and old,
A vote on a system not often seen before,
A chance to break the mould and start a new,
But how the hell did we know what to do,
They're elected and selected to represent,
Picking out the best from our so called government,
They're there to tackle the bureaucratic shizzle,
Instead they're all full of bullshit and fizzle,
And now, with just months to go,
The EU are saying to Britain 'hell no',
‘You can deal with the rubbish you've caused,
A no deal ending is what we've resolved,
You can miss out free movement and trade deals, the lot,
Head back to the good old days you filthy colonial clot.’
To stand on our island, being all proud,
With the racist jerks singing in the crowd,
The other 48% of us, have to struggle on living,
The 52% not a shit they are giving,
Our children won't get the chance to explore,
Instead they'll have the Nazi ass fuckers beating on their door,
Into a black hole we head,
Not a thought or direction, No plans or anything ahead,
Living a life away from our friends,
It all looks like a bleak and dark end,
We have to fight though, on with the push,
Look out racist fascist scumbag, move that arrogant tush.
Let's fly our flags of freedom and hope,
Dangle the racists from 12 foot of rope,
Pull Britain back from the brink of despair,
And get the nation we love back in there,
As part of the EU and then the globe,
We have hope and adventures as yet untold,
I'm proud to say I'm EU for life and don't want to leave,
So please don't exclude just because of these,
Bigots, fascists and racists alike,
I'm nothing like them, they can get on their bike,
I love the EU, I want to remain,
Never once did I ever complain.
If I have to face the democratic result,
Just know that I find it a fucking insult,
For I'm a member of the world and I'm proud,
To be a human, to live fast and loud.
So please don't forget the 48%,
It's not our decision to be so hell bent,
And on that note, I'll close my eyes,
And dream and hope that it's all just lies,
But I know that it's not and next year I'll face,
Possible the most dangerous human based race,
The race to live outside of the union,
Maybe I'll get religious and go to holy communion,
Probably not, but I'm open to suggestions,
Like packing my bags and sitting in congestion,
As I try to leave this fucked up country I'm in,
And carry on out to the world I live in.
So the final phrase is to say cheerio,
I won't say goodbye as I don't want to go.

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