'You are questioning the unquestionable, fathoming the unthinkable and figuring out what you are all about! Yet you remain, hooked by your own self constraint, you lack belief and the fact is that you are scared to go it alone.'
'And who are you to observe my life in such a way, to make judgement calls like that?' I retorted in a harsh tone.
'I am everything you want to be and everything you dream of, I am the gateway to the unknown and the river between the banks of memories.'
I quivered slightly as the voice deepened and the tone grew grim, the figure turned to me.
'You are the reason your life is what it is, you create, you destroy. Be witness to yourself. You wish to run, you wish to hide away from it all, you want pity from others, their words and actions to comfort you. Yet we both know that their words cannot heal you.
What is done, is. What will be, is not.
Be your own strength, carve your own course. Stand tall, be strong and realise, this is your life.'